Synonym Lawyer Advocate Attorney Barrister Counsel Defender Jurist Pleader Solicitor Legal Advisor India

Synonym Lawyer Advocate Attorney Barrister Counsel Defender Jurist Pleader Solicitor Legal Advisor India

Lawyer: Legal professional who practices law.

Advocate: A legal professional who represents clients in court and argues in their favor.

Attorney: A legal professional who is authorized to act on behalf of clients in legal matters.

Barrister: A legal professional who specializes in advocacy and represents clients in court.

Counsel: A legal professional who provides legal advice and guidance to clients.

Defender: A legal professional who represents the accused in criminal proceedings.

Jurist: A legal professional who is an expert in law and jurisprudence.

Pleader: A legal professional who argues on behalf of clients in court.

Solicitor: A legal professional who provides legal advice and represents clients in certain types of legal matters.

Legal Advisor: A legal professional who provides advice and guidance on legal matters to clients.

In India, the term “advocate” is commonly used to refer to legal professionals who practice law. However, the other terms listed above are also used in India to refer to legal professionals with specific roles or areas of expertise.

Synonym Lawyer Advocate Attorney Barrister Counsel Defender Jurist Pleader Solicitor Legal Advisor India