Serendipity Meaning, Definition and Synonym

Serendipity Meaning, Definition and Synonym

Serendipity refers to the occurrence of fortunate events by chance, often when one is not actively seeking them. It’s the experience of finding something valuable or delightful unexpectedly, stumbling upon something pleasant or useful without intending to do so.

The definition of serendipity often involves a sense of luck or fortune intertwined with the concept of being in the right place at the right time, or making a valuable discovery while looking for something else entirely.

Synonyms for serendipity include:

  1. Fortuity: This word emphasizes the accidental nature of a fortunate event.
  2. Chance: Refers to something happening unexpectedly without planning or design.
  3. Luck: Suggests that the favorable outcome is due to random chance or fate.
  4. Coincidence: Implies the simultaneous occurrence of events that appear to be connected but are not necessarily caused by each other.
  5. Felicity: Refers to a pleasing or fortunate quality, often used to describe a happy coincidence or beneficial discovery.

Serendipity refers to the act of finding something good or valuable that you weren’t even looking for. It’s a pleasant surprise, a lucky discovery by chance.

Here’s a breakdown of the word:

  • Meaning: The occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.
  • Definition: Serendipity is the faculty of making fortunate discoveries by accident.
  • Synonym: A close word for serendipity is fortuitous, which also means occurring or arising by chance in a happy or beneficial way.

Here’s an example to illustrate serendipity: Imagine you’re at a bookstore browsing the shelves, not looking for anything in particular. Then, you stumble upon a book on a topic you’ve been wanting to learn more about. That would be a serendipitous discovery!

Serendipity is a term that refers to the occurrence of fortunate or pleasant discoveries by chance. It’s the experience of finding something valuable or delightful when you least expect it.

Some synonyms for serendipity include:

  • Luck
  • Chance
  • Fortune
  • Happenstance
  • Coincidence
  • Kismet

The word “serendipity” was coined by the English writer Horace Walpole in the 18th century. He based it on the Persian fairy tale “The Three Princes of Serendip,” in which the princes make unexpected discoveries while on their travels.

What is the simple definition of serendipity? What is the synonym of serendipity? What does my serendipity mean?

Serendipity is when you stumble upon something unexpected and fortunate while looking for something else entirely. It’s like finding a valuable coin on the sidewalk while walking to work. A synonym for serendipity could be “fortuity” or “happy accident.” When you say “my serendipity,” you’re referring to those fortunate and unexpected discoveries or events that happen to you personally, often bringing joy or benefit.

Here’s the breakdown of serendipity:

  • Simple definition: Finding good things by accident. It’s like a happy surprise that you weren’t expecting.
  • Synonym: A good way to say serendipity is fortunate discovery.
  • My serendipity: Unfortunately, “my serendipity” doesn’t quite make sense grammatically. Serendipity refers to the event of finding something good by chance, not a possession. You could say “I had a serendipitous experience today” if something fortunate happened to you unexpectedly.
  1. Serendipity is a term that describes the combination of pleasant, unexpected, and fortunate discoveries or events. It’s often used to describe happy accidents or surprises that lead to something good.
  2. Some synonyms of serendipity include chance, fortune, luck, coincidence, fate, and kismet.
  3. “My serendipity” could refer to the pleasant, unexpected, and fortunate events or discoveries that happen in your life. It’s a way of describing the good fortune or happy accidents that you experience.

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